Most small business owners outgrow handling every facet of their business themselves. When that happens to you, if it hasn’t already, expanding your team is the logical next step. But, deciding to expand is only half the battle. You also need to choose how you want to grow your organization. Is ... READ MORE >
Bookkeepers vs. CPAs: Make the Best Choice for your Business
As a group, small business owners are expert-level DIYers. But, even the most resourceful small business owners will eventually find themselves needing to bring in experts to help them manage their business finances. If you’re a small business owner navigating just this situation, then ... READ MORE >
The Seven Supporting Players You Need for Your Small Business
Small business owners take great pride in their ability to “do it all.” And they should! A willingness to learn new skills and take risks is a big part of being a successful entrepreneur. But, just because you can do it all, doesn’t mean you should. In some cases, DIY isn’t just a waste of time - it ... READ MORE >
Common Tax Mistakes and How to Avoid Them
If you’re a small business owner, you are used to wearing many different hats - some more comfortable than others. One almost universally uncomfortable hat? The tax preparing one. I’ll spare you a cliche joke about sure things in life, death, and taxes...but the sentiment is true. All business ... READ MORE >
My Three New (School) Year Resolutions
In my years of doing this, I have noticed that September is a busy time for resolutions. People are relaxed and excited to get back to work after a (hopefully) fun summer. And the new school year feels a little like a fresh start, even if you aren’t going to school. In addition, for parents, there ... READ MORE >