Most small business owners outgrow handling every facet of their business themselves. When that happens to you, if it hasn’t already, expanding your team is the logical next step. But, deciding to expand is only half the battle. You also need to choose how you want to grow your organization. Is ... READ MORE >
A New Year is Coming. Prepare in October.
October doesn’t seem like the end of the year. Depending on where you live, it might not even feel like fall. However, December is just around the corner and October is the ideal time for small business owners to start their end-of-year preparations. It might seem excessively early, but hear me out. ... READ MORE >
Common Tax Mistakes and How to Avoid Them
If you’re a small business owner, you are used to wearing many different hats - some more comfortable than others. One almost universally uncomfortable hat? The tax preparing one. I’ll spare you a cliche joke about sure things in life, death, and taxes...but the sentiment is true. All business ... READ MORE >