Amy Looney, Managing Director
Amy is a master of project management, strategy, and customer service. After graduating from Harvard University, Amy earned a professional background in marketing and advertising in industries including B2B, tech, and government. This gives Office Accomplice an edge in driving clients’ success. When she’s not providing exemplary service, she can be found spending time with her husband and children. Her favorite pastimes are reading, board games, hiking, skiing, and tennis.
Mallory Corlette, Founder & Strategic Advisor
Mallory is a strategizer and problem-solver with over a decade of experience in advising and systems analysis. She specializes in providing expert bookkeeping services and the information clients need to make critical business decisions. Before founding Office Accomplice, she managed decor and design at high-level events from government galas to AIDS Walk Boston and the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer. Mallory is a Northwestern University graduate who loves spending time with her three kids, husband, dog, and cat. In addition, she enjoys entertaining, knitting, and making a mean gingerbread house.